
Web Development





Offered by

ICT Engineering




General admittance requirements

Main purpose

The purpose of this course is to introduce a set of theories and tools in order for students to obtain a proficient level of knowledge and gain a practical skillset for designing and developing responsive web sites for both PCs and mobile devices using basic web programming.


 Having completed this course, students will have the knowledge to:

• Describe the different file formats used in web development and their purpose.
• Reproduce webpage layouts using HTML5 and CSS3 when presented with images/screenshots of other websites.
• Select appropriate attributes for HTML5 elements.
• Explain the difference between responsive and non-responsive websites.
• Test HTML5 files for errors using the W3C markup validator.
• Account for the difference between the JavaScript and Java programming languages.


 Having completed this course, students will have the skills to:

• Create web sites using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML5).
• Use simple and advanced CSS3 selectors and properties to style webpages.
• Apply the Bootstrap grid framework to create responsive websites.
• Utilize the Bootstrap classes to apply styling to responsive websites.
• Implement JavaScript functions to add functionality to websites.
• Use XMLHttpRequest to read content from an external source and integrate this content into a website.
• Select HTML elements and apply jQuery animations to the selected elements to make websites interactive.


 Having completed this course, students will be able to:

• Design and implement platform independent web applications.


Teaching methods and study activities

The mode of teaching will be classroom based and will involve lectures by the teacher and exercises made in class. The students are also expected to work on exercises both before and after classes. The total work-load for the student is expected be around 130 hours.


[Duckett, 2011] HTML & CSS Design and build Webstites, Jon Duckett, First Edition, ISBN: 978-1-118-00818-8

[LaGrone, 2013] HTML5 and CSS3 Responsive Web Design Cookbook, ISBN: 978-1-84969-544-2

[Duckett, 2014] Javascript & jQuery, Jon Duckett, First Edition, ISBN: 978-1-118-53164-8

​​Additional material will be up​loaded to Itslearning.



Exam prerequisites:

1. Attendance (≥ 75%) 
2. Three course assignments handed in before deadline and approved.

If the exam prerequisites are not met, the student must complete a written assignment in WISEflow to qualify for the re-exam.
This assignment​ will be scheduled after the ordinary exam. 

Type of exam:  

Digital written examination duration of 2 hours (2 parts):
Part 1: Multiple choice questions 30 minutes, weighing 25%
Part 2: Short answer questions 90 minutes (explaining and writing code), weighing 75%
Internal assessment.

Tools allowed:
Part 1: without aids
Part 2: all aids allowed - including internet connection.
Any types of communication between students or between a student and an external party is prohibited and will be considered a violation of the exam rules.
Also, the use of AI tools, such as AI tools, ChatGPT or similar AI and Machine Learning tools and chatbots is not allowed. 

Same as the ordinary exam, but it may be decided to be an individual oral exam​​

Grading criteria

Grading based on the Danish 7-point scale.

Additional information

Up to and including spring semester 2022, this course was labelled IT-RWD1, Responsive Web Design.


Line Lindhardt Egsgaard (lile)

Valid from

01-08-2024 00:00:00

Course type


HTML5, CSS3, Media query, Bootstrap, JavaScript, XML, AJAX, jQuery