
Sustaianble product development





Offered by

Global Business Engineering




Main purpose

To develop and practice cross-disciplinary Global Business Engineering competences within sustainable product & business development.

Develop a new or modify an existing product/concept/business model for a specific company or organization that fulfills the company/organizations environmental, social and governance (ESG) profile and strengthens its overall strategic position within the business segment it is operating.


Professional Learning objectives:
Students will achieve knowledge within the areas of:
  • Technical theory & methods from selected specialization (ICT/ME/Climate) relevant for the project in question
  • Business development and strategy theories and methods relevant for the project in question
  • Sustainable product and business development
  • Key dimensions of project management skills in groups.
Project method learning objectives:
The students must be able to:

  • Explain personal characteristics and attitudes
  • Demonstrate awareness of own personal knowledge, personal skills and attitudes as well as show responsibility for improving in order to overcome personal weaknesses.


Professional Learning objectives:
After completion of the project, the students must be able to:
  • Evaluate the relevance and importance of sustainability in relation to both product and business development strategies
  • Apply relevant project methodology and project management tools in a cross-cultural/disciplinary context.
  • Choose and apply relevant technical tools and methods from the selected specialization (ICT/ME/Climate) to solve a specific product development task. 
  • Outline an implementation plan for a project in a cross cultural context, and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
Project method learning objectives:
The students must be able to:

Own learning process
  •  Set and reflect on own learning goals from current and previous semesters in the process report with a view to future improvement
Project framework
  • Communicate and argue for the results of the project work and the project group's learning process in a structured way using professional concepts, both written, graphic and oral.
  • Argue for the choice of sources and references in connection with the project work. 
Problem-based learning
  • Explain ethical considerations in the project work.
  • Work with a holistic view of the project, the courses and the outside world.


Professional Learning objectives:
After completion of the project, the student should be able to:
  • Give recommendations to how attention to environmental and social compliance in product and business development can be used in strengthening the strategic positioning of a company.
  • Identify and solve cross-disciplinary problems in a group project
  • Plan and implement a project plan in a cross-cultural context
  • Formulate a solid Project Description for the 9th semester Bachelor project 
Project method learning objectives:
The students must be able to:

Effective teams
  • Plan, structure and achieve effective collaboration in groups through reasoned choices of working methods and adapted collaboration methods
  • Analyze and reflect on connections between knowledge sharing in the project group and the quality of the project work
Own learning process
  • Analyze own learning needs and independently structure own learning process
  • Independently and critically apply relevant and valid knowledge
Project framework
  • Independently explain new knowledge and argue for application in connection with the project work.
Problem based learning
  • Work analytically, methodologically and in a structured way with the semester project in the project group.
Project management
  • Combine, adapt and optimize project management methods in order to optimize the project process.
  • Explain the use of digital tools for project management as well as digital knowledge collection tools and portals.



Teaching methods and study activities

Group work on project supported by process and professional guidance.

Online, video and group teaching on key topics followed by exercises in class.

Develop a complete new or modify an existing product/concept/business model for a specific company or organization that contributes to strengthening its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) profile and strengthens its overall strategic position within the business segment it is operating.

Literature study and Project Description must be submitted and approved


 Will be handed out to the students via Itslearning.



Exam prerequisites
Ca 5 pages approved literature study
Approved Project Description

Examination form:
Group exam with individual assessment based on a project report (max.30 pages) and process report incl risk assessment handed .in before deadline. 

Group presentation approx. 15 minutes followed by a joint examination with a joint discussion and individual question rounds for approx. 20 minutes per student including voting.
Individual grades are given on the basis of an overall assessment of the submitted work as well as the individual's performance during the examination.
Internal examiner.

Allowed tools:

The examination takes place as an ordinary examination.

For students who have not passed the semester project, a mandatory information meeting will be held at the end of the spring semester. Here, information is provided on specific deadlines and detailed courses for the project work, just as new project groups are formed where possible in relation to the number of failed students in the individual semesters. 

Based on the feedback received after the ordinary exam, the student chooses either to prepare a new project or revise the non-passed project. This must be stated at the meeting. 

If the student has not submitted a project or participated in the ordinary exam (without an approved/valid reason, the student must make a new project

Grading criteria

Additional information


Kresten Tang Andersen

Valid from

01-08-2024 00:00:00

Course type


Sustainable innovation and business development; corporate strategy; ESG; project management. PBL key words: Ethics, motivation and leadership