
Software Engineering (IT-) (only S24)





Offered by

ICT Engineering




Completed the 1st semester Software Engineering course "Programming 1" (formerly “Software Development with Java 1”) or a similar course.

Main purpose

The purpose is to qualify the student to apply software engineering concepts used to develop Object Oriented software. Structure the software development process by applying Scrum and Unified Process to conduct Analysis, Design and Test-descriptions to exemplify a final solution from a real-life problem. This involves requirement capturing (Use Cases and non-functional requirements), analysis, domain models, interaction diagrams, design class diagrams, design patterns, test-descriptions, S.O.L.I.D design principles etc.


The student should be able to account for:

• Abstraction
• UML (selected diagrams)
• S.O.L.I.D principles
• Unified Process
• Scrum
• Design principles
• Architectural design
• Requirement capturing
• Analysis vs. Design models
• The difference between software development and coding
• Test descriptions
• How to conduct a test following a test description


The student should achieve the skills to:

• Analyse a problem and document the analysis- and design-process with text and UML
• Apply use of Scrum
• Apply use of Unified Process
• Use UML to document requirements, analysis, and design artefacts
• Use agile software development with Unified Process in combination with Scrum
• Create a Domain model from a problem description, requirement specification and understand the elements in the resulting Domain model
• Create a design model and understand the elements within it
• Apply the S.O.L.I.D principles on a design model
• Design for test
• Create test descriptions
• Create architectural design models


The student should be able to:

• Analyse a problem– what is the problem to be solve?
• Derive a requirement specification with Use Cases and non-functional requirements
• Plan tests by Test specifications
• Analyse and design a project to be implemented in teams with many participants and stakeholders
• Work in a Scrum team


Teaching methods and study activities

The semester has 48 classroom lessons. These lessons will consist of teacher presentations and exercises.

The course will include one or more course assignment(s).


Craig Larman: Applying UML and Patterns - An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development. Third Edition. ISBN 0-13-148906-2

​​And online notes



Exam prerequisites:
​​1. Attendance (≥ 75%) 
2. Course assignments handed in before deadline. The number will be determined at be beginning of the semester.

If the exam prerequisites are not met, the student must complete a written assignment in WISEflow to qualify for the re-exam.
This assignment will be scheduled after the ordinary exam. 

​Type of exam:  
Individual oral exam, 20 minutes. 
Exam is without preparation and based on a drawn question. The questions will be known before the exam. 
Internal assessment.

Tools allowed:

Conducted as the ordinary exam.

Grading criteria

Grading based on the Danish 7-point scale.

Additional information


Henrik Kronborg Pedersen (hekp)

Valid from

01-02-2024 00:00:00

Course type


Software Development, UML, Agile, Test, Analysis, Design, Scrum, UP