
Bachelor Project (GBE/GBT)





Offered by

Global Business Engineering




The conditions for starting the bachelor project are that the student has passed all courses and semester projects in the 1st – 7th semesters.

Main purpose

The main purpose for the Bachelor Project is that students must demonstrate that they have achieved the objectives set for the Global Business Engineering programme by solving a real-life problem which could be typical for their future area of work using relevant theories and methods.
The project consists of  two main elements: 
1. Applied engineering.
2. Applied business, communication ​and culture
The two elements have to be integrated in the project to demonstrate that the key Global Business Engineering competences have been achieved.
The exact distribution of the two elements will depend on the specific project problem, but both have to be included and have a certain level of depth to reflect the accumulated learnings during the GBE education.
The project should preferably be made for/in cooperation with a real company. 


The students must demonstrate detailed knowledge of the core elements of all the subjects, theories, models and methods, which have been part of the Global Business Engineering syllabus.


The students must demonstrate their ability to choose and apply relevant theories models and methods from the total Global Business Engineering syllabus to solve a real life problem. 


The students must demonstrate their ability analyze a real life problem, use relevant theories, models and methods for creating a solution and present the solution, findings and conclusions in a well written project report.


Teaching methods and study activities

The project should preferably be done in groups of 2-3 students with the same specialization.

Project Process:
Preparation for the bachelor project will start in the 8th semester. Milestones have been planned as follows. (Please note that exact deadline dates may be subject to change from year to year):

Start group formation with 2-3 students in each group.
Start investigating project ideas. 

Hand in of project idea. Use the Group Formation and Topic Selection template from VIA Engineering Project Guidance Templates. 
Deadline: Friday week 25.  

Feedback and initial approval of project idea will be given within 1 – 2 weeks. 

Hand in of full draft project description. 
Deadline: Friday week 33

Assignment of supervisors for business and engineering part will be made no later than first week of September.
The assigned supervisors will be responsible for approval of the
 final project description and for supervision during the project period. 


Guidelines for Doing Projects at VIA Engineering 

All course curriculum from previous and existing semesters including self-gained knowledge.



​Prerequisites for exam: 
All other exams and semester projects must be passed.  

Exam type: 
Oral exam based on project report handed in before deadline.
Group presentation (15 minutes per project + 5 minutes per student if more than one student in the group) 

The total time for the oral exam including group presentation, examination, evaluation and feedback will be:
Groups of one student: 60 minutes
Groups of two students: 90 minutes
Groups of three or more students: 120 minutes 

The basics for the examination are the Project report (Including Product Description, Process Report and appendices included) and the presentation of the project.
External censor

Tools allowed: 

Standard procedure for re-examination is to write a new project. Timing of re-examination follows the ordinary examination periods at GBE in January and June.

There are 3 attempts to pass the bachelor project. Failure to hand in a bachelor report on time results in one missed attempt. Example: report is not handed in for the January exam. Handing in the report for the exam in June will constitute attempt no 2 and so on. 3rd and last attempt will be in January the following year. All in all, the bachelor project must be completed within one year (January-June-January). Exception to these rules will only be granted in the most exceptional of circumstances, e.g. serious illness, and must be approved by the GBE head of Department. 

Grading criteria

​7-trins skala

Additional information


Lars Grunnet Jespersen

Valid from

01-08-2024 00:00:00

Course type
